Homework for November 12th, 2017

Dear parents,

Here are the home works assigned by class level for each of the Telugubadi students. All these home works are due on November 12th, 2017. Students should complete this work before the class. 

Parents, please make sure that your children complete this home work before the next class.

Complete tracing last week's letters క and ఖ
Write 5 more words with each letter in notebook.
Practice saying numbers 1 to 50 in Telugu.

Revise letters from అ to అ:.

Madhyama - 1
Write the words on page #36 in the text book and practice them for a dictation next week.

Utteerna - 1 

1. Memorise the given lines of "Jana Gana Mana".
2. Speak in Telugu for at least 30 min each day and get it signed by parent.
3. Prepare for the test. 

Utteerna - 2

1) Read the first page of the story: "అవ్వ మేక" fluently. 
2) Speak in Telugu for at least 30 min at home every day and get it signed by your parents on a daily basis.
3) Be prepared for a dictation of 5 lines from the story: "అవ్వ మేక". Students should be able to write the dictation at a reasonable speed.

The new date for the భాగవతం ఆణిముత్యాలు పద్యాల పోటీ' is: December 9th, 2017 from 3-6pm at Ashtalakshmi Temple, Sugar Land. The URL to get more information and to register for the contest is: http://ibamcontests.blogspot.com/ 
Please select a పద్యం for your kids and make them practice. Let us also know about your choice.
If time permits, we can make the kids say that పద్యం in the class too.


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